Default one-on-one structure
Some reports have strong opinions on how they like to spend their one-on-one time. Others are a little less opinionated. In that case, I show them this strucutre to see if it will work for them.
General updates:
- How are you feeling?
- Are you fulfilled at work?
Middle (should be added to doc ahead of time):
- Address current issues, concerns with work
- Address any feedback from team or manager
- Talk through manager updates about team changes, team okrs, work going on outside of view
If none of the above/quarterly:
- What are your current personal growth objectives? In 6 weeks? In 6 years?
- What did you do this week that helped accomplish objectives?
- Are there ways I can hold you accountable for those objectives?
- If objectives are achieved, how should we celebrate?
If time allows, feedback for me (one of):
- Is there something I can do to support you better?
- What’s one thing this week that you think I could have done a better job of?
- What’s something this week that I did that made you feel supported in your role?
Wrap up with any action items:
- What should they be doing based on the conversation above?
- What should you be doing based on the conversation above?