Hi!A animated gif of Forrest Gump waving I’m Kyle

I’m fairly basic, thoroughly introvertedAn animated gif of Moira Rose from Shitt's Creek saying 'You keep everything inside like a bashful clam', overly sarcasticAn animated gif of Fozzy Bear looking for laughs, and delightfully awkwardAn animated gif of a man weidly looking out from plants. I use my constant curiosity to better myself as well as the people around me.

At work

I’m a product designer and strategist. I use research and Jobs-to-be-Done to understand complex problems, then design , and implement practical solutions.

After a few years as an individual contributor, I am back to managing a team of designers. My focus is to create a space for those designers to do their best work, make sure they’re progressing in their career, and are fulfilled at work. I provide design feedback, wrangle stakeholders, work on product strategy, and gain alinment across teams throughout the organization. Easier said than done.

Recent work

At home

I’m partner to an accomplished photographer and father to three kids, three dogs, and two birds. It’s wild up in here. My success metrics are measured in eye rolls, fart jokes, and belly rubs. We call Austin home but I still consider myself to be a New YorkerA animated gif from Curb Your Enthusiasm saying Mind your own business.

Lists of lists

I like making lists, I like crossing out lists, forgetting I made lists or losing lists, and then duplicating lists. I just like lists. These are some of my lists, but make sure you check out all my lists.

In my free time

I read a bunch ; fiction, non-fiction, and comic books. Running Mountain A trail in the woods that dissapears into trees with mountains in the background biking, is an escape for me. There is something about biking uphill on rocks that brings me sadistic joy.

I love listening to baseball games A photo of Yankee stadium looking out to home plate from center field on the radio outside on summer nights. I draw and paint, but let’s face it, I’m not the best at finding the time. Same deal with meditating. Over the last few years, I’ve managed to find myself taking care of a lot of house plants. I’ve also started two raised bed gardens outside to grow vegetables to eat. I can’t get enough of the texture and feeling of putting my hands in dirt.