First one-on-one rules and questions for my reports

This is the list of questions I run through during my first one on one with new reports. It gives me an immediate baseline understanding of what makes that person tick and how I might be able to best help them. I’ve blatently stole many of these questions from Lara Hogan's list but adapted them to me over time.

One on one rules

  • It’s your time. You decide the schedule and format.
  • Shouldn’t be a status meeting.
  • Don’t skip

Set things up

  • Do you have a format that works for you?
  • What makes 1:1s the most valuable for you?
  • How do we track notes?
  • What schedule do you like?


  • What makes you fulfilled?
  • How will I know when you’re fulfilled?
  • How can I help you become fulfilled in your role?
  • What motivates you?
  • What makes you grumpy?
  • How will I know when you’re grumpy?
  • How can I help you when you’re grumpy?


  • How do you like feedback - the medium (IRC, email, in person, etc.)
  • How do you like feedback - routine like in 1:1s, or as-it-happens
  • How do you prefer to receive recognition? (public or private)


  • What is something in the past that you’ve loved from your Manager?
  • What are mistakes that your Manager has made in the past?
  • What do you need from your manager?
  • From your team? (this one is good if the 1:1 is with someone who manages people, but is typically relevant for IC’s, too)
  • From your peers? (outside the team)


  • How do you learn best?
  • Where are you looking to grow right now?
  • Where are you looking not to grow?
  • What are your goals for this year?


  • What helps you get your mind off of things?
  • What is a way that you like to treat yourself?
  • What is your favorite breakfast food?